MCC Daily Tribune
Project Zero
Project Zero has been re-branded as the Healthy Holiday Habits challenge. Instead of merely challenging you to maintain your current weight over the holiday period, we are now challenging you to choose one or more of the following five goals:
- Take at least 7000 to 10,000 steps five days a week
- Drink half your body weight in ounces of water five days a week
- Attain or maintain your target weight by January 13th
- Strive for Five ½ cup servings of fruits or vegetables five days a week
- Sleep for 7 to 8 hours a night 5 nights a week
The Healthy Holiday Habits challenge runs from 11/25/2024 through 1/13/2025. The more challenges you successfully complete the more opportunities you have to being selected a winner in our celebratory raffle after the fact. Results must be turned in by 1/16/2025 to qualify for any rewards beyond better health and wellbeing.
There is a $5 registration fee.
Each of these challenges are doable for most people and each of these challenges will probably make you a healthier person. The challenges will be more fun and easier to accomplish if you enlist a friend or two as accountability partners. So… encourage your friends and co-workers to take up the challenge as well! Email the Wellness Council (, subject 2024-25 HHH and express your interest in taking the challenge. We will reach out to collect the registration fee.
MCC Retirees and MCC Employee’s immediately family members are welcome to participate, too. Registration is just $5 per person (not per challenge).
Kevin Simmons
Wellness Council